PSHE- Personal, social, health and economic education
RSE- Relationships and sex education
RSHE- Relationship, sex and health education (both RSE and RSHE are used as terms)
At Hartsfield School, our aim is to prepare children for the wider world and equip them with the essential skills for life now and in the future. We intend to develop children’s knowledge, skills and attributes which will protect and enhance their wellbeing. In addition to this, we would like our children to positively develop their identity and self-esteem and encourage a growth mind-set. We want our children to become active citizens of our diverse community by building and maintaining successful relationships, learning how to stay safe and healthy and responsibly participating in society.
Our intention is to support all children, regardless of their background, ability and additional needs. We will do this by using SEND resources provided by both the PSHE Association and Coram Life Education SCARF programmes of study. We will ensure that lessons are developmentally appropriate for pupils with SEND and create a safe learning environment for all pupils.
We will meet the new DfE Relationships Education and Health Education statutory requirements through the lessons provided by the PSHE Association and SCARF.
We will develop children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural values and promote British Values.
‘PSHE is a non-statutory subject. To allow teachers the flexibility to deliver high-quality PSHE we consider it unnecessary to provide new standardised frameworks or programmes of study. PSHE can encompass many areas of study. Teachers are best placed to understand the needs of their pupils and do not need additional central prescription.’
(DfE Guidance 13th Sept 2021)
‘Relationships and sex education (RSE) is an important part of PSHE education. Relationships education is compulsory for all primary school pupils.’
(DfE Guidance 13th Sept 2021)
As a school therefore, we have subscribed to the PSHE Association and Coram Life Education SCARF programmes of study to ensure that our teaching incorporates the statutory guidance and content as set out by the National Curriculum. SCARF provides a detailed spiral curriculum, including mental health and wellbeing. By using this resource, we can ensure that there is progression in knowledge and skills across all year groups. Please refer to the separate progression statement, which details how knowledge and skills are developed across the Key Stages.
For colleagues, it is easy to follow and deliver the lesson plans with a range of interactive and physical resources provided. SCARF also provide online workshops whereby PSHE professionals deliver lessons to all year groups. Staff training can also be booked through the Coram Life education website
The programme is such that lesson plans are provided as half termly units which can be taught flexibly according to the needs of each year group. Teachers choose the units they would like to teach each half term and record these as their medium term planning. PSHE is taught as a weekly lesson across the school and additionally through other lessons such as science.