SATs- National test results
School Results and SATs 2024
We are proud of every single child at Hartsfield School; of their strengths, talents and skills across a wide range of academic, sports and arts achievements. However, at certain academic points, children sit more formal assessments. We will update this page with National and Herts data when they are made available.
Please ask via the school office/ admin email address if you require any further information or clarification on any of the data noted below.
Early Years Foundation Stage Profile
The percentage of children attaining a 'good level of development' (GLD) in June 2024 was 62%.
Year 1 Phonics
The National Phonics Screening is used to measure the Phonic knowledge and attainment of all Year 1 children. 88% of our Year 1 children passed in June 2024.
Year 6 Results (provisional until late Autumn 2024)
Results of the SATs tests are noted for maths, reading and grammar and punctuation and spelling (GPS). 60 children took the tests in 2024. Teacher assessments were used for making writing judgements at the end of Key stage 2 ( Year 6 ). We are currently awaiting National and Hertfordshire data.
School |
National |
Herts |
Reading (test) |
Average scaled score |
108.2 |
105.2 |
106.2 |
% Expected standard or above |
87% |
74% |
78% |
% Achieving high standard |
48% |
29% |
34% |
Writing (TA) |
% Expected standard or above |
78% |
72% |
72% |
% Achieving high standard |
15% |
13% |
15% |
GaPS (test) |
Average scaled score |
109.8 |
105.3 |
106.2 |
% Expected standard or above |
83% |
72% |
75% |
% Achieving high standard |
48% |
32% |
36% |
Maths (test) |
Average scaled score |
108.8 |
104.3 |
105.1 |
% Expected standard or above |
93% |
73% |
75% |
% Achieving high standard |
48% |
24% |
28% |
Reading/Writing/Maths combined |
% Expected standard or above |
78% |
61% |
63% |
% Achieving high standard |
15% |
8% |
9% |