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Hartsfield School follows Hertfordshire County Council’s Admission Rules including any admission appeals. Full details for Primary Admissions, In Year Admissions and home to school transport can be found below:

Community and voluntary controlled school admission arrangements | Hertfordshire County Council

In-Year admissions

If you are interested in an 'in year admission', please contact admissions or look at the Hertfordshire  website  for current vacancies (see below).

In year admissions – change school during the year | Hertfordshire County Council

If you are interested in your child joining Hartsfield School and would like to look around the school to inform this important decision, please contact the school office team on 01462 895267 or via to arrange a tour.

Reception Admission Dates for September 2025 Start

1st November 2024- HCC online system opened for applications.

15th January 2025- Application deadline

16th April 2025- National application deadline

Important dates – primary, junior and middle school admissions | Hertfordshire County Council

To support parents' decisions regarding their choice of school for September 2025, we offered opportunities to meet the Headteacher, Mrs Smith, and have a tour around the school with Year 6 ambassadors.

Applications for September 2025 have now closed. However, please contact the Herts admissions team if you are still looking for a reception place for your child.

We will be in communication with those parents whose child has been allocated a place with us for September shortly after parents have received formal notification online from the Herts County Council admissions system.